Friday, December 21, 2012


Kara was getting frustrated this morning, so she told me, "mom, I don't believe it." I asked her what she didn't believe, and she said, "my life."

Later, I was fixing her some yogurt, so she said, "mom, what is that? It sounds like a kitty cat treat. Yuck!"

Whenever I tell Jessalyn to say "hi," Kara tells me, "mom, she's too small. She can't talk." Thanks for telling me, goofy girl!

She definitely comes up with some kooky ideas!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Where Babies Come From

Kara has been fascinated with where babies come from lately. She is convinced that you can go to the doctor and get a baby. This is a conversation we had this morning on our way to a doctor's appointment:

"Mommy, you got Jessalyn from the doctor. Are we going to get another Jessalyn?"

Me: "No honey. Jessalyn was in mommy's tummy. Mommy went to the hospital and the doctors helped get Jessalyn out of mommy's tummy. Mommies go to the doctor so their babies can be born."

Kara: "oh. When I was a mommy, my dolly came out of my tummy! That's the rule! Babies have to go to the doctor all the time!"

Sadly, Kara has a very skewed idea of how often people have to go to the doctor. Between me and Jessalyn, poor Kara has been to the doctor probably between 12-15 times these last 4 months! So in her world, it makes sense that she thinks babies have to go to the doctor all the time.

And she still doesn't believe me that you can't just go to the hospital and get a baby. I wish it was that easy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Growing Girl!

When we brought Jessalyn home at 2 weeks, she was the size of a flip flop and just barely over 4 lbs.

Today, she's 4 months old, I'm guessing about 9.5-10 lbs, and almost triple the size of the flip flop! Plus, she does all kinds of fun things like coo and laugh and smile. Oh, that dimple when she smiles! It tickles me pink!

She still doesn't push up when she's on her tummy, and she isn't anywhere close to rolling over. Her head is still unsteady too. In some areas (like social) she is starting to catch up a little, but I think physically, she's still behind. She is doing so great though, and her personality is really starting to come through! She's a total Mama's girl, but she has loads of smiles and love for Daddy too. And she's crazy about my brother. They do this face at each other that is just hilarious!

As usual, I just love, love, love my baby. I feel so blessed to get to have these two little girls in my life.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Kara is very observant and makes connections between things constantly. Last night, she very excitedly (and out of the blue) shouted, "mom! One hundred thousand and eight! That spells money!"

Almost, kiddo!