Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Autumn is Coming

Whenever someone asks me what my favorite season is, I always have a hard time coming up with an answer. I love ALL the seasons. Recently though, I figured something out... The truth is, what I really love is the change of seasons. I love looking anticipating the adventures and newness that each season brings.

And now, I am loving the advent of Fall. The air smells different. The weather is different. I know we may have a few more days of warmth left, but I just love the feeling of change.

Here are some of the things that Fall brings (to me):

Saying goodbye to the summer greenery, just for a time

Packing away my sandals to replace them with closed-toed winter shoes

Romping in the yard now that we are free from Summer's sweltering heat

(And maybe taunting the cat while we are at it)

 Laying in the grass to watch the clouds drift by

Greeting my sweet dogs as they wait in anticipation at the door for me to come home from school

Seeking the comfort of a warm blanket as the mighty afternoon thunderstorms roll in

Prickly pine-cones and crunchy leaves drifting downward from their homes high in the tree tops

Are you ready for Fall?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Good Night Sweetheart

Hi everybody, it's me, Kara. Now that I'm sleeping in a big-girl bed, I thought I'd share with you my 10 easy steps to tricking your parents in to thinking you're asleep (when you are REALLY playing with the toys from your toy box). Are you ready? Here goes!

1) Gallop (yes, I said GALLOP) to your room. Mommy will think it's cute.

2) Ask your mommy for a song (my favorites are Itsy-Bitsy Spider and Old MacDonald). Your mommy will probably do the hand motions or dance around, and she might look silly, but that's ok. Just smile and go along with it--it will make her happy.

3) Ask for your blankie and your puppy and your kitty and have mommy (or daddy) snuggle you in under the covers.

4) Sometimes that does the trick and your mommy will start to leave the room. Sometimes it doesn't work though, and she will look at you and think you need another story or another song. DON'T PANIC. Just keep following steps 5-9.

5) Give mommy a big kiss, look really sweetly at her and then...

6) ...Shut your eyes really tight when she says "go night-night" so she can tell you mean business!

7) Wave to mommy when she starts to leave the room.

8) Wave again for good measure. Once she's gone, you can lean over the edge of the bed and pull out some toys! Just remember to play quietly to avoid step 9.

9) If you forgot to play quietly, chances are that your mommy might come in to check on you. If this happens, close your eyes and put on your sweetest sleeping face so she thinks you're asleep! This will probably do the trick, but be careful, because if you're REALLY convincing, you might actually fall asleep and...

10) ...your mommy will find you like this the next morning.

