Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My grandmas are really cool. I know I've said that before, but really, they are awesome. My grandma and my great grandma always know how to make us feel loved!

A lot of the things we have from when Kara was a baby are either worn out (diaper bag, receiving blankets), or the wrong season (clothes). My grandma made me this beautiful Eric Carle Grouchy Lady bug bag to replace my old diaper bag,
Inside of my ladybug bag
It looks way prettier in person

and my great grandma made Jessalyn this stack of blankets and this adorable quilt. We got them in the mail today (plus Kara got a new pillow case), and it was like Christmas.

See what I mean? I have the best grandmas.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I love my girls so much. They make me wish I could have 10 more kids.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Right Now

Right now, my life consists of a never ending cycle of laundry, baths, feeding my children, bouncing the baby, and chasing after Kara. I'm basically a glorified maid/chef/food factory (I say glorified because I'm pretty sure regular maids/chefs/food factories don't get the benefits of kisses and hugs and laughter and snuggles from the people they cater to). I am loving it (except the laundry) yet feeling my brain go to mush as it is all becoming one long endless blur and I can no longer keep track of which day it is! I kept thinking yesterday was Saturday.

On another note, Kara is potty trained! After she finally decided to use the potty, it only took a couple days for her to start telling us on her own, and about two weeks to be accident free. My sister was a HUGE help. I'll write more about the whole process later (and it WAS a process!) I'm so glad to be rid of her diapers.

These pictures give a misleading idea that I never do Kara's hair. I do, in fact, do her hair every day... For some reason, I always take pictures of her in the morning before I actually do her hair. She really isn't a ragamuffin! Now, whether or not I do something other than a pony tail with MY hair is a totally different story.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Jessalyn 1 Month

Jessalyn is 6 weeks old tomorrow, and I realized I never updated her progress!

She is now 5 and a half pounds (5 lbs 4 oz last Thursday), which still puts her below 5th percentile, but she IS growing. Just this week, she started being awake and looking at people and objects, so I am relieved because I was getting a little worried. She has two appointments coming up with different departments to check a couple things but overall, she's doing great.

The only bad thing is this little munchkin is NOT a good sleeper at night. It is foreign territory for me, because around 5 or 6 weeks with Kara, pretty much all I had to do was put her down at night, and she'd sleep great! (As my grandma told me last night, that goes to show that oldest children really are the best. Haha! Ok, kidding, kidding). I think the biggest reason she won't sleep is because she is REALLY refluxy at night--bad enough that she chokes sometimes, and this morning, it came up her nose. I feel so bad for her! We've had her sleep in the swing for the last few nights to help her sleep upright and help her feel better.

Jessalyn is such a sweet baby. We all love her to pieces! Kara is constantly telling me "I love my baby sister," and has named her doll "baby Jessalyn." Our family wouldn't be the same without her!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Feeding the Horsies

Kara loves the pony and the horse at the ranch. She loves when they come up to her so she can feed them, so every time we go to the ranch, she anxiously asks if the horsies are going to come. This morning, we finished feeding the animals and the horses came up to us. Kara had a blast playing with them!

No Doubt About It

I think my girls are adorable.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hello Again

I know I've been posting very infrequently... It has been a little bit of an adjustment getting used to life as a family of four. I'll be updated the blog with some real posts here soon, but for now, here are a few of my favorite pictures this week.