Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kara's First Birthday Party

We do birthday parties in my family for everyone who had a birthday that month. We decided to combine Kara's birthday with the January birthdays and had the party tonight.

She LOVED the cupcakes. We really had a wonderful time. I am really blessed to have such a big family!

Puppy Mania

These are the cupcakes I made for the family birthday party today. I was so thrilled with how they turned out!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Being Good

Before I had Kara, I didn't know how much I would love being a mom. But I love it so much. It doesn't even bother me that I partly define myself by my role as a mother.

I think what I love most about motherhood is that I have an opportunity to really do something good in the world. I am far from perfect (let me tell you). But when I see all the potential that Kara has and the future that Kara can have, I know that if I just do the best I can and raise her with love and virtue, I will have truly done something worth doing.

And that makes me feel hopeful and happy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Feel Pretty

Kara is such a big girl! One of her favorite things is to comb her own hair. Her other favorite thing is to turn the page when I am reading to her.

She has known how to point to "nose" for a few months now. Today she picked up "mouth" and "ear."

Just wanted to jot those things down so I wouldn't forget! I was feeling a little sad today at how fast she has grown--she is so independant now! I miss the days when I could snuggle her in close and she couldn't escape...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Zoom Zoom

Kara loves this little car my dad bought her for Christmas. What did we ever do before we had Kara? She is the light of my life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am experimenting with different cupcake designs for Kara's birthday. I made these puppies today. What do you think?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Shower Time

Kara likes to watch us while we shower. She usually watches for a few minutes and then crawls off, but you can be assured that if we close the curtain after she crawls away, she turns right around to open it back up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sleepy Head

This is what happens when you play too hard.

Sometimes I feel the same way.