Monday, March 8, 2010

Now that we've been here for over a week, I can definitely say that I am TIRED of hospitals and going absolutely crazy! Here are some things that I am wishing I could do right now:

-Organize my house (something that got disrupted by our little hospital stay)
-Test out Kara's new swing from my Aunt Carol
-Put something other than button down clothes on Kara--we got so many cute things at the shower and from my family!
-Go on a walk
-Have visitors
-Have something to look at other than the boring walls and boring window view
-Do my hair
-Do my makeup
-Sleep in my own bed
-Pet my cats
-Have some family time that isn't interrupted by monitors and nurses (as wonderful as the nurses are).
-Be able to make dinner instead of eating gross fast food and hospital food (I am really, really, really tired of the food we've been eating).
-Go do something... ANYTHING!
-Get back to normal life!

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