Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kara Update 3/7/10

Here it is, 5:00 AM, and I am wide awake. I can probably thank the Excedrin I took to cure my various aching body parts.

We are still here in the hospital. They turned Kara's oxygen down a little yesterday (again), and she did well for about an hour, and then ended up needing it turned back up. She is just moving at her own pace! Her IV catheter (they left it in in case they needed to reinsert the IV) gave her a tiny bit of an infection, so last night they removed it and put antibiotics on it. This morning around 4, the swelling and her fever had both gone down (the fever was most likely brought on by the infection). So, pretty much, all I have to report on is that she is in the same condition. We MIGHT be able to go home Tuesday. I am so ready to go home and be able to really cuddle her again (a feat that is pretty difficult with a million wires plugged in to her!)

On another note, I'm sure that every mother thinks she has a genius baby, but I really am sure I have a genius baby :) I am constantly impressed that she's smart enough to pull the cords off of her, she holds her pacifier in her mouth with her hand, and she tries to hold the bottle when we give her a bottle. Doesn't that sound like a smart baby to you?

My mom pointed out to me yesterday that Kara recognizes my voice and that it soothes her when she's upset. It made me feel so good as a mom to recognize that! Last night when I was reading Green Eggs and Ham to her, she woke up and stayed awake "listening" to the story until I was finished, and then promptly fell back asleep. It was so sweet!

My Aunt Shelley (who is also Mom #2 to us kids) made Kara the CUTEST giraffe! We named the giraffe Shelley. When Kara is awake, she stares at the giraffe for the longest time! I was a blanket baby myself, but Aunt Shelley is determined for Kara to have to cart this giraffe everywhere! I can't wait until Auntie Awesome can come out and meet the cutest baby ever!

And to wrap up, I will be posting about my baby shower here pretty soon! Our wonderful friend Ashley threw us a lovely shower, but unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera! As soon as I have pictures from the other attendees, I'll be sure to write all about it (and all the wonderful gifts people so generously made and gave us).

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

She sounds like a super smart baby to me!! I really hope that you can bring her home soon and cuddle and love on her properly! Get well soon Kara!