Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kara Hospital Update

Today, they are going to try to start pulling Kara off of the humidified oxygen machine and put her back on regular oxygen to see how she does. If she does ok on the regular oxygen, they're going to start slowly decreasing the levels until she is completely off of the oxygen. At some point, they will also start slowly pulling her off of the IV fluids. After she is completely off of the IV and the oxygen, they want to watch her for another 6-8 hours to make sure she'll be ok to breathe on her own, so I am thinking that we will be going home some time tomorrow.

On another note, I think we have a stubborn/pretty smart child on our hands. She doesn't like the oxygen nose thing, and keeps trying to pull it off. The nurses have had to re-tape it multiple times. She also doesn't like when we dress or undress her, so she (somehow) figured out that if she straightens her legs and locks her knees, it makes our job a million times more difficult.

What does this mean for her teenage years?

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