I have been kind of neglecting the blog. I have been working too much and trying to squeeze too many other things that I want to do in the little time I have off, and the blog has ended up falling to the bottom of my "to do" list.
However, after a *minorly* eventful time at the doctor's office yesterday (I had to be hooked up to the baby monitor and contraction monitor, plus my bi-weekly blood work, and next week I have to go back for some more lab tests--but everything worked out fine as far as yesterday goes), the doctor wrote up an order for me to be working reduced hours, so hopefully now when I am (supposed to be) resting at home, I will have time for a few of the things that I've wanted to do, like blogging.
Anyway, I have been feeling guilty because when I was pregnant with Kara, I did all kinds of things for her. I made quilts and blankets and clothes and stuffed animals, etc. etc. I haven't done ANYTHING for Jessalyn. After work (I've been working 9 hour days 3 days a week and 6 or 7 hour days two days a week) I have felt so exhausted, I haven't wanted to do anything when I get home, much less pull out the sewing machine. Last night, though, after I laid on the couch with my feet up all afternoon/evening, I was going stir crazy, so I put together and sewed a rag quilt for Jessalyn. I had cut it earlier, and I had my grandma help me lay it out in a random "pattern," so the sewing and ragging only took about two hours. I just need to quilt all the squares, which won't take long. I think it's cute, and even though it's super simple, now I don't feel like such a terrible mom!
Finally, here's a picture of me at 30 weeks after a nice day at the pool with my family. It's hard to believe that in as little as 6 weeks, the baby could be here, though we certainly hope she stays put for just a little longer!
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