On Wednesday, Jon and I went out for our anniversary. My sister told me that she had taken Kara up to go potty, and Kara wouldn't go. We've been telling Kara that big girls go on the big girl potty, and that she is a big girl and gets to do big girl things--that only babies wear diapers, and babies can't do big girl things. Well, Kara wouldn't go potty. Refused. So finally, my sister asked Kara, "Are you a big girl? Do you want to do big girl things?" and Kara told her, "No, I'm a baby. I be a big girl tomorrow."
She has also been telling us things like "it's ok" or "it doesn't matter" when we tell her not to do something. When we went to get Kara after dinner, my sister told Kara to do something and Kara told her "it doesn't matter." She has been very sassy lately, so after she sat in time out, I told Kara to go apologize to my sister for being a sass. One thing you should know about Kara (that I didn't think about at the time) is that she drops the "S" on the front of words. So she marched up to my sister and said "Hayna, I sorry for being a ASS." With emphasis on the last word. We all fell out of our chairs laughing! It was totally innocent, but funny just the same.
The other day, I went to Target to pick up a few groceries and my sister came along. While we were there, she bought some cute little onesie outfits that were on clearance for the new baby. When I brought them home, Kara got so excited. She told me "Those Jessalyn's swimmin' suits? She going swimming with us?!" She was so excited at the thought of her baby sister going swimming, but I had to explain to her that they were just regular clothes. She has been getting more and more excited and interested in having a baby. I hope she stays that way after the baby is born!
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