I have been really neglecting to write about my youngest. Bad mommy!
She is such a cutie. She loves her thumb, and she loves to snuggle under blankets when she goes to sleep.
She recently started doing the "ba ba ba" sound, and says "mmmmmm," usually when she wants "more" or "mom." She loves when we sing nursery songs, and usually starts yelling "ahhhh" or saying "wuh wuh wuh" really loud when we sing.
She also does a really funny inchworm crawl to get around. She throws both her arms forward and uses them to pull the rest of her body forward. There are several things she does that compensate for her poor coordination and physical strength, so it's really cute/neat to see her figure things out or find ways to get what she wants to get. She really only rolls over one way, so her main mode of transportation is her hilarious inch-worm crawl.
She loves being thrown, bounced hard, swung around, loud music, spicy food--pretty much anything highly stimulating, she loves.
She is excellent at fine motor skills, which means she is adept at finding the TINIEST things everywhere she goes and putting them in her mouth.
Her sister can make her laugh like nobody else. She is also much more likely to copy sounds that Kara makes than she is to copy anyone else. One of their favorite games is rough housing--Kara sits on Jessalyn like a pony. I'm not sure why that thrills her so much, but they will laugh and giggle together for a long time when they play that game. After Kara, my dad and brother are her two favorite people. They make her laugh and smile like nothing else.
She loves, loves, loves kisses. And my very favorite thing is that often when I pick her up, she scrunches her little body up and kind of hugs me. It's so sweet!
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