Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It is so fun to see how different my girls are from each other, yet also see their similarities.

Kara has always been a social butterfly pretty much since the day she was born. She was ready to do things like eat real food way before she was supposed to (by 4 months, she was trying to grab things off the table when we would eat dinner). She has just always wanted to be a "big girl," and I swear she is 2 going on 20. She's got spunk (and a little attitude too, but I guess she was destined to with me as her mom).

Jessalyn has a more quiet personality. I'm not even sure that quiet is the right word, but I can't think of a better one. She definitely cries more than Kara, but when she isn't crying, she is very happy just to be laying or sitting in the bouncy seat and watching the people around her. She has been smiling and interacting a lot more lately (she hates it if she thinks she was left in a room), but she doesn't "talk" as much as Kara did. I bet she's going to be very calculated with her words when she does start talking! She also hates her car seat, which doesn't make for fun car rides, but I'd probably hate being crammed in that thing too. Who can blame her? She's also a few pounds smaller than Kara was, but she just had a growth spurt, so I'm guessing she's between 8.5 and 9 pounds now.

Both my girls are very sweet, and I love that they both got the squishy cheeks! And I'm glad they both had hair, but Jessalyn has quite a bit less than Kara did, and she is rocking an enormous bald spot on the back of her head, haha.

Both these girls challenge me in different ways, but they reward and enrich my life 100 times over! The longer I am a mom, the more I realize I have no idea what I'm doing, and nine times out of ten, Kara is the one to teach ME a lesson. Thankfully, kids are resilient, so even though they're stuck with me, I think they'll be ok :)

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