I am 35 weeks! In the home stretch! My doctor told me that at this point, if I go in to labor, they won't do anything to try and stop it. It's just better for me and the baby that way. They are continuing to test and monitor my blood weekly, and we have had lots of discussion about keeping stress down, making sure I drink enough water, etc. etc., so I feel good knowing my doctor is watching me so closely. There have been a few small things they have been concerned about with this pregnancy, but the overall picture has been pretty good when compared to what happened when I had Kara, so I'm thinking I might even be able to carry this baby to term!
I had to go to a perinatologist yesterday to have the baby checked out to make sure she was growing ok, and she's a little bit on the smaller side, but looking healthy! We got to see her face in 3D because they checked a few things with their 3D ultrasound, and the tech was nice enough to do a face shot! I thought it was pretty cool, and I think she definitely looks like a baby! It's just too bad her hand was up next to her face blocking half of it.
I'm getting more and more excited for her to be here!
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