Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just Because

Yesterday, we were gone all day at the hospital (my doctor wanted me to go have some tests run, but I'm fine), so we didn't really have a chance to work on potty training. I was worried that Kara would be uncooperative today because of it, but so far, so good!

This morning, we put her panties on and she happened to see this hat that she has (it has a kitty on it), so she immediately put it on after breakfast and started running around the house with it on (sideways, I might add).

She has been awfully precocious lately. Yesterday when we were driving to Denver, she told me "mommy, my name is Kara." I told her that she was right, so then she said, "Don't call me Kara. Call me babe!"

 She also knows how to spell her name, which is so cute, and tells me "B is for Bouncy Ball," among other things. We have been working on numbers and letters a lot, so it is fun to see her starting to put things together.

 And just because, here is the picture of her from this morning!

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