Thursday, August 4, 2011

Another Trip Post... Almost Finished

 Friday night before we left, we all went out to the ranch for some shootin' practice. Those Diet Coke cans had it coming, I tell you! We all had a turn, but I think I was the best ;) (Ok, ok, that's stretching it... Really, really stretching it).

First, the men  had to show us how it was done. Literally:

My aunt was a pretty good shot. I didn't really see how my sister and my mom did, because by that time, we were preoccupied with becoming mosquito dinner.

And then I killed a sunflower plant. It was accidental, I swear! (Would that be floraslaughter?) I am a pretty bad shot.

My dad, sister, and I wandered around the ranch remembering old days and trying to find an old owl that roosts in the barn. Those are memories for another post, but right before we started wandering around, I took pictures of some of the flowers out there, and I found these two little lady bugs on one. They look like they were mating, but I think it is still PG enough to put up on the blog.

 (btw, do you like my dad's "Merry Christmas" t-shirt he is wearing in July?)

I think the evening was perfect.

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