Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Giant Post About Kara

I have been feeling down in the dumps lately, so I haven't felt much like writing. I don't even know what I am feeling so blue about, but I am, so sorry for the lapse in blogging.

The one thing that is always great to blog about, though, is Kara! She LOVES to brush her hair. Every morning when I do her hair, I tell her that she is so pretty. She usually takes the comb from me, runs it through her hair, and tells me "pitty."

Well, today, she took one of my brushes, and she would not let go of it! She spent the day following everyone around the house--me, the cats, her dolls--trying to brush our hair, and then she would tell us that we were "pitty." It was so cute!

cute smile!


Chasing after the cat

brushing her hair

In search of her next victim!

Kara loves shoes now that she is walking. If I don't put them on her in the morning, she usually tries to put them on, and brings them to me and says "doos (shoes)" so I will put them on for her. Then she runs off and plays with her big blue ball. (Balls are her FAVORITE toy).

Kara loves books as well. She sits and "reads" them all the time. The other day, I had to read a book 5 times in a row before she let me put it down!

She has also been saying so many words lately. I can't even remember them all, she says so many, but a favorite phrase of hers would probably be "yeah buddy," which she learned from my brother. She has also started saying two word sentences such as "my ball," or "daddy bye bye," or more often "no mommy," as well as a lot of other things. She is growing so fast!


alyssa said...

She is such a cutie!! I am so sorry you've been feeling down, those times are never fun. Hope it passes quickly!

Rachel said...

she has a big vocabulary for being so young. That is nice! She is super cute!

Jolene said...

So cute!! I love the picture where she's eating the brush!! Hey, just fyi, if you bump up your shutter speed to about 250, you'll eliminate the blur when she's chasing cats to brush them!! She's so funny! And "pitty"! I can't believe she's talking so much...Kennedi has 3 words. And lots of grunts and squeals.