Last night after I got home from work, I had Kara come sit in the kitchen with me while I fixed dinner. I turned around at one point and noticed that she was chewing on something...and happened to be sitting near the dog food. Sure enough, she was chowing down on the dog's dinner. I moved her away from the dog food only for her to crawl right back and start sampling some more pieces. Finally, she got tired of me moving her and dumped the entire bowl over, and then grabbed some in her fist and absolutely REFUSED to let me take it from her.
Meanwhile, Cassie sat patiently and waited her turn. They're great pals!
Not gonna lie Rach, that's pretty gross!! I'm sure Kennedi would do the same though, if we had a dog! Thank goodness we're not allowed!!
Both my girls were frequent dog food eaters! Kenna still eats it, too. SO gross. Sometimes I don't even know she's been eating it until I smell it on her breath, haha!
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