Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sleeping Baby

Kara has had a busy day today. She untied all of the ties on her crib bumper, crawled around the entire living room and pulled several items out, drummed on some toys, climbed all over mommy, flirted with daddy, got food all over herself, and at the end of all her adventures, fell plumb asleep mid-dinner.


Sam said...

Sounds like one busy baby! We need to have a play date. Lexi would love Kara. She loves her sister but Kara sounds way more exciting.

PS That is an adorable picture!

Frances Statler said...

Have you heard of "angels with dirty faces"!?!

alyssa said...

That is an adorable picture!

Tiffany said...

Haha, Cody and Landon both did that like only once. It's funny how the little things can get them so tired!