Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Post

Swing dancing was a BIG hit last night! All the girls thought that Bryan was so cool, and the kids all told Karina and Bryan that it was really, really fun. I could tell it was going well because even the boys had huge grins on their faces. They asked me if I would be willing to do another swing night, and I said "definitely"!

Today, we got to go have lunch with my Great Grandma Fran. I really enjoyed it, and I feel lucky to be one of the few people to have both my grandmas and 2 great grandmas still living. After lunch, we spent a few minutes over at her house talking... I would have loved to stay longer, but it was rest time for Grandma AND the little girl I watch! (Not to mention, I would have loved a rest myself!)

And lastly, here's a picture for those of you who have asked me for one. It's not much of a picture, I'm a pretty small pregnant lady (I think I look more fat than anything else), but there you have it:


Kyla said...

Cute baby bump! You don't look fat, It will probably take you forever to start looking pregnant, like me. I think I was 7 months pregnant when people actually stopped avoiding the question "are you pregnant" just in case I wasn't. Feel lucky that you aren't huge because it is very uncomfortable!

The Pistorius' said...

u look amazing!! i miss dancing...... so much fun!! didnt we have a jazz or tap class together?? like forever and a day ago?? i cant remember any more... lol

Jolene said...

Be soooo glad you are not big yet! I am about as big as I was at 7 months and am so uncomfortable already, I can't believe I'm not even 5 months yet. Ugh! I will try to get a picture up this weekend...I'm getting pretty big!