...We are having a girl! Kara doesn't really know what it is going to mean to have a new baby at our house (other than she is convinced she is NOT sharing her toys), but she acts *somewhat* excited to have a new sister. I am excited to have another girl, although, I will admit, I was getting used to the idea (and excited) that it might be a little boy. I was a little depressed after the ultrasound, mostly just because I was disappointed that we found out the gender, and now I'm just ready to be done with this pregnancy--I know what I am having, so I just feel like there's nothing to look forward to! But, we now have our name picked out (we had thrown around about three ideas, and finally settled on this one), and I know how I am going to decorate the baby's room.
We are going to name the baby Jessalyn Rose. My mom had actually made up the name Jessalyn when she was pregnant with my brother, after one of my uncles whose first name is Jesse, and my dad's sister's middle name. I have always loved that name and completely forgot about it until my mom mentioned it to me and I remembered how much I loved the name. Rose is just because I have always loved the name Rose, especially for a middle name. The other name we were seriously throwing around was Ella Rose (after my aunt), but Jessalyn just felt like it fit this baby better.
In the baby's room, I am going to decorate it with a ladybug theme. I don't really love doing nurseries mostly because I think you spend a lot of money on something that the kids grow out of fairly quickly, so with Kara, I did her room in something that I felt she could grow with (and then she fell in love with owls, so I completely re-decorated her room), and I feel the same with this baby. I think ladybugs can grow with a little girl, so I am now on the hunt for ladybug fabrics, lady bug pictures, anything I can do that will look cute in a ladybug room.
Well, those are our big announcements for this week! I still have a couple of posts from last week that I need to write (like going to see Wicked with my brother), I am in the midst of finishing school for the semester, and I start my new job tomorrow, so I hope I have time for everything!